赤漆文欟木御厨子(せきしつぶんかんぼくのおんずし)sekishitsu bunkanboku no onzushi


第73回 正倉院展、2021年

Red Lacquered Zelkova Cabinet

The cabinet has been built with beautifully grained zelkova, called bunkanboku here. After staining it red with sappanwood dye and giving it a clear lacquer coat, this storage unit with doors that swing out from the center was set on box-frame legs. The cabinet is listed in the Record of the Nation’s Rare Treasures directly after the initial entry for the nine kesa priest’s robes, implying it ranked as number two among the offerings and can be considered an important item most intimately connected to Emperor Shōmu and Empress Kōmyō. The Record’s notes on its origins confirm the cabinet’s deep significance, for it was passed down only to rulers in the line of Emperors Tenmu (r. 673–686) and Jitō (r. 686–697) after the Emperor Tenmu’s time.

64th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2012
Lacquered Red Zelkova Cabinet (North Section 2)

五十音順Syllabary Order

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