Learn about various materials and techniques used to make the Shōsō-in Treasures.
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奈良国立博物館で開催される正倉院展は、錦秋の古都を彩る行事として長きにわたって皆様に親しまれてまいりました。この正倉院展は、毎年秋に正倉院正倉(宝庫)の勅封が解かれ、宝物の点検がおこなわれる時期に合わせて開催されています。昭和 21 年(1946)に第1回(「正倉院特別展観」)が奈良帝室博物館で開かれ、以降、東京でおこなわれた 3 回を除いて毎年奈良で開催され、これまでに76回を重ねています。
About the Annual Exhibition of
Shōsō-in Treasures Glossary
The Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, held at the Nara National Museum as autumn foliage colors the ancient capital, has long been a popular event. The timing falls within the dates of the yearly inspection of the treasures when the imperial seal barring entrance to the Repository is lifted. In 1946, the Imperial Household Museum of Nara, the earlier iteration of the Nara National Museum, first showcased the treasures at an exposition. There have been seventy-six such exhibitions since then, and apart from three held in Tokyo, each one has been organized by the Nara National Museum.
The Nara National Museum produces a catalogue for each exhibition. Since the 1982 show, the catalogue has included a glossary offering detailed explanations for many of the materials, techniques, and specialized terms connected to that year’s exhibited treasures. From 2000 to 2022, with the production of an English catalogue, an English version of the glossary was produced annually as well.
The Japanese version of the glossary is updated each year to reflect new knowledge gained through research and surveys of the treasures. It is edited to best complement the catalogue’s entries for the current year. The English version was produced year to year based on the needs of the English-language reader. We have now launched a website where you can search and browse the glossary items in both English and Japanese. While the English glossary was discontinued in 2023, this website lets you search its final published versions. We hope that this website will be widely used to promote research and understanding of the Shōsō-in treasures, and that it will further deepen interest in ancient history and culture.
October 2024
- ウェブサイトの用語解説は、奈良国立博物館が刊行する正倉院展の図録(日本語版・英語版)から載録し、それぞれの出典を明記しました。
- 用語解説は、基本的に最も新しい刊行年の図録の記述を載録しました。
- 日本語版用語解説の執筆と全体の編集は、奈良国立博物館の研究員がおこないました。
- 英語版用語解説の制作と編集は、平成12年(2000)から令和2年(2022)までモニカ・ベーテ氏が担当し、最後の4年間はメアリー・ルウィーン(元奈良国立博物館)が協力しました。
- 宝物画像は宮内庁正倉院事務所より提供を受けました。ウェブサイトからの宝物画像の転載はご遠慮ください。宝物画像の利用については、宮内庁正倉院事務所へお問い合わせください。
- This website uses glossary items published by the Nara National Museum in the Japanese and English catalogues for the Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures.
- For the most part, the website uses glossary items from the most recent year in which that item appeared.
- The production of the Japanese glossary and its editing is undertaken by Nara National Museum curators.
- Monica Bethe produced and edited the English glossary from 2000 to 2022; Mary Lewine (former Research Fellow, Nara National Museum) assisted with its editing during its last four years.
- The images of the treasures have been provided by the Office of the Shōsō-in, the Imperial Household Agency. Please refrain from reproducing images of the treasures from the website. For information on the use of treasure images, please contact the Office of the Shōsō-in, the Imperial Household Agency.