暈繝・暈繝彩色(うんげん・うんげんさいしき)ungen, ungen zaishiki
第76回 正倉院展、2024年
Color gradation. Ungen consists of clearly demarked bands of progressively lighter shades of color placed next to each other. Often several colors appear together in gradated shades. Typically, ungen stripes are painted on furniture and architecture. Ungen zome refers to cloth dyed in bands of color.
74th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2022

粉地彩絵几 第10号(中倉177)
Painted Rectangular Offering Table (Middle Section 177)
Painted Rectangular Offering Table (Middle Section 177)

Eight-Lobed Table with Painting over White Primer (North Section 177)
Eight-Lobed Table with Painting over White Primer (North Section 177)