東大寺金堂鎮壇具(とうだいじこんどうちんだんぐ)Tōdaiji kondō chindangu


第63回 正倉院展、2011年

Tōdaiji Kondō Chindangu

Tōdaiji Kondō Chindangu refer to treasures found during conservation work on the Great Buddha in Tōdaiji done in 1907-8. Digging some 45 centimeters deep around the dais under the lotus seat of the Great Buddha they found precious objects. These include a small jar with gilt silver design of hunting, two crystal lidded containers, a gilt silver padlock in the shape of a cicada, fragments of a lacquered leather box, three swords decorated with gold inlay, two swords with gold and silver decoration, one sword with silver decoration, beads, a fragment of a penknife, and fragments of armor. Designated National Treasures, the chindangu belong to Tōdaiji.

63rd Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2011