第76回 正倉院展、2024年
The mottled bumpy shell of a sea turtle was used as a decorative material. Techniques employed in the Shōsō-in treasures include its application over gold foil or polychrome painted designs and manipulated forms created through the application of heat. Yellow coloration was preferred in early modern Japan, and tortoiseshell in the Shōsō-in shows a preponderance of black mottles.
74th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2022

Red-Sandalwood Genkan with Mother-of-Pearl Inlay (North Section 30)
Red-Sandalwood Genkan with Mother-of-Pearl Inlay (North Section 30)

玳瑁竹形如意 第1号(南倉51)
Bamboo-Shaped Tortoiseshell Nyoi (South Section 51)
Bamboo-Shaped Tortoiseshell Nyoi (South Section 51)