惣型鋳造(そうがたちゅうぞう)sōgata chūzō


第71回 正倉院展、2019年

Sōgata chūzō

A method of casting used to make small bells like dōtaku and bonshō and some mirrors. An outer clay mold is formed either by rotating a board around a central axis to scrape out a circular form to the desired depth, or by pressing a form into the clay. The design that is to appear on the outside of a bell would then be carved into the inner surface of this outer mold. To make a bell, another, inner mold would be made to the same shape, but one size smaller, leaving only the thickness of the desired final product as a void between the inner and outer molds. After the molds are fired, the inner mold is placed inside the outer and molten metal pored into the empty space between the two molds.

60th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2008