聖武天皇(聖武太上天皇)(しょうむてんのう(しょうむだいじょうてんのう))Shōmu Tennō (Shōmu Daijō Tennō)


第76回 正倉院展、2024年

Emperor Shōmu

(701–756, r. 724–749) Japan’s forty-fifth emperor. Both he and his wife Empress Kōmyō were devout Buddhists and built national Buddhist monasteries and convents around the country, as well as the head temple of Tōdaiji, in which the Great Buddha was enshrined. After his death, Kōmyō donated his favorite personal possessions to Tōdaiji. These were placed in the North Section of the Shōsō-in. In 749 Shōmu abdicated, ceding the throne to his daughter, Empress Regnant Kōken (r. 749–758; 764–770), and became known as the Retired Emperor or Daijō Tennō.

74th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2022

五十音順Syllabary Order

アルファベット順Alphabetical Order