

第72回 正倉院展、2020年


Priest Rōben (689–773) is thought to have been born either in Ōmi (Shiga prefecture) or Sagami (Kanagawa prefecture). He studied the Hossō sect from the priest Gien (?–728) and did Kegon sutra studies with the Silla priest Shinjō (dates unknown). He is said to have lived in Konshuji, one of the forerunners of Tōdaiji. Rōben put great energy into the building of Tōdaiji, becoming its first steward (bettō). He played an important role serving as a religious protector to Emperor Shōmu (701–756; r. 724–749).

65th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2013

五十音順Syllabary Order

アルファベット順Alphabetical Order