連珠文(れんじゅもん)renju mon
第74回 正倉院展、2022年
Renju mon
A dot medallion, this ring of small, filled circles, literally “string of pearl circle,” usually encloses an animal or plant figure. Brought to China from Sassanian Persia, it was a popular motif on textiles and other objects during the Tang dynasty.
74th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2022

玳瑁螺鈿八角箱 第19号(中倉146)
Octagonal Offering Box Decorated with Tortoiseshell and Mother-of-Pearl (Middle Section 146)
Octagonal Offering Box Decorated with Tortoiseshell and Mother-of-Pearl (Middle Section 146)

金銀平脱皮箱 第5号(中倉138)
Lacquered Leather Box with Gold and Silver Heidatsu Design (Middle Section 138)
Lacquered Leather Box with Gold and Silver Heidatsu Design (Middle Section 138)