第70回 正倉院展、2018年
Long-tailed birds
A motif of a bird with an extremely long tail.
60th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2008

八角鏡 平螺鈿背 第7号(北倉42)
Eight-Lobed Mirror Decorated with Mother-of-Pearl on the Back (North Section 42)
Eight-Lobed Mirror Decorated with Mother-of-Pearl on the Back (North Section 42)

鳥木石夾纈屛風 第1扇(北倉44)
Screen Panels with Clamp-Resist (Kyōkechi) Design of Birds, Trees, and Rocks (North Section 44)
Screen Panels with Clamp-Resist (Kyōkechi) Design of Birds, Trees, and Rocks (North Section 44)