第75回 正倉院展、2023年
Front panel overlap of a garment. Sewn to the main body panel of a garment, this extra panel of cloth allows for a front overlap. On round-collar garments, such as the hō, this extra extension has a tie to secure the panel in place at the top corner where the overlap panel is sewn to the collar. The Chinese style okumi stipulated the left extension panel was to be on top, the right below. Most Shōsō-in garments follow this style, but some, possibly theater costumes, have the right panel on top, placing the tie on the left side.
74th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2022

唐古楽 安君子半臂残欠 第9号(南倉119)
Hanpi Vest for the Ankunshi Dancer in a Tōkogaku Performance (South Section 119)
Hanpi Vest for the Ankunshi Dancer in a Tōkogaku Performance (South Section 119)