忍冬文・忍冬唐草文(にんどうもん・にんどうからくさもん)nindō mon, nindō karakusa mon
第73回 正倉院展、2021年
Nindō karakusa mon
Palmette or half palmette motif set in waving rows as a type of scroll or arabesque. Originating in Greece, this style scroll traveled through West Asia and China before coming to Japan and is commonly seen in the seventh to eighth centuries, Asuka and early Nara periods.
62nd Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2010

密陀彩絵箱 第14号(中倉143)
Offering Box with Mitsuda-e Oil Painted Design of Birds and Scrolls (Middle Section 143)
Offering Box with Mitsuda-e Oil Painted Design of Birds and Scrolls (Middle Section 143)