第76回 正倉院展、2024年
A decorative ground texture for metal pieces, it consists of small round bosses appearing like scattered fish eggs, from which it derives its name. In Tang China, nanako decorations were common on gold and silver pieces, and on mirrors. Examples in Japan date from as early as the Asuka period.
74th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2022

八角鏡 金銀山水八卦背 第1号(南倉70)
Gilt Silver-Backed Eight-Lobed Mirror with Landscape and Divination Signs (South Section 70)
Gilt Silver-Backed Eight-Lobed Mirror with Landscape and Divination Signs (South Section 70)

黄金荘大刀 第1号(中倉8)
Sword (Tachi) with Gold Decoration (Middle Section 8)
Sword (Tachi) with Gold Decoration (Middle Section 8)