夾纈・夾纈染(きょうけち・きょうけちぞめ)kyōkechi, kyōkechi zome
第76回 正倉院展、2024年
Clamp-resist dyeing
An ancient dye technique wherein cloth is folded and then clamped between two boards that have matching patterns of intaglio grooves carved into their interior surfaces. Dye poured into the matched cavities pools to color just that portion of the cloth; the rest of the cloth is so tightly clamped that the dye does not penetrate it. This process can be repeated with different dyes pooled in different cavities to create complex multicolored designs with undyed (resisted) outlines surrounding each color area.
74th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2022

山水夾纈屛風 第3扇(北倉44)
Folding Screen with Clamp-Resist Dyed Landscape, Panel 3 (North Section 44)
Folding Screen with Clamp-Resist Dyed Landscape, Panel 3 (North Section 44)