供養・供養具(くよう・くようぐ)kuyō, kuyōgu


第71回 正倉院展、2019年

Ritual implements

Implements for special offerings set out for Buddhist services include incense, flowers, light, and food. The first three of these are mandatory. Some items are used during the services, like the flower baskets (keko) holding real or paper petals that are strewn about while chanting texts or circumambulating the sacred space. The shape and decorations on the implements like incense burners, vases, flower baskets, flower ornaments, candlesticks, and torch baskets changed over time, reflecting the taste of each historical period.

74th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2022

五十音順Syllabary Order

アルファベット順Alphabetical Order