纐纈・纐纈染(こうけち・こうけちぞめ)kōkechi, kōkechi zome


第76回 正倉院展、2024年

Bind-resist dyeing

Kōkechi counts among the three basic resist dye techniques found among the Shōsō-in treasures, the others being rōkechi (wax-resist) and kyōkechi (clamp-resist). The most prevalent bind-resist technique found among the Shōsō-in treasures is the creation of small dots by wrapping pinches of cloth with thread, as in tie-dye. In addition, bold designs were created by resisting long bands of fabric to create stripes of color. This could be done by clamping a portion of folded cloth between boards and immersing the exposed cloth in a dye bath.

74th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2022
白橡綾几褥 第10号 付属(中倉177)
白橡綾几褥 第10号 付属(中倉177)
Fitted Light Brown Twill Damask Mat (Lining) (Annexed to Painted Rectangular Offering Table) (Middle Section 177)