毛彫/蹴彫(けぼり/けりぼり)kebori / keribori
第74回 正倉院展、2022年
Incised designs
Incised lines in metal objects are made either with a triangular-shaped carving tool that can gauge out thin continual lines or with a flat edged tool used to lightly nick the metal and form dotted lines. In Japan the former, kebori, is considered an older technique than the latter, keribori, which only became popular in the Heian period, but had already been used in China in the Tang dynasty.
74th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2022

平螺鈿背八角鏡 第7号(北倉42)
Eight-Lobed Mirror Decorated with Mother-of-Pearl on the Back (North Section 42)
Eight-Lobed Mirror Decorated with Mother-of-Pearl on the Back (North Section 42)

金銀平脱皮箱 第5号(中倉138)
Lacquered Leather Box with Gold and Silver Heidatsu Design (Middle Section 138)
Lacquered Leather Box with Gold and Silver Heidatsu Design (Middle Section 138)