

第74回 正倉院展、2022年


A method of building up a sculptural base by applying strips of bast cloth and fixing them with mugi urushi, a mixture of lacquer and wheat flour, so as to create a hard surface. Used as early as the Kofun period for coffins, dry lacquer technique was a popular method of making Buddhist statues and gigaku masks in the Nara period. When built over a clay form that was later removed, it is known as hollow dry-lacquer technique (dakkatsu kanshitsu). When the dry lacquer is applied over a wood base, it is called mokushin kanshitsu. Details were modeled in a putty-like mixture of sawdust and lacquer (kokuso urushi).

74th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2022

五十音順Syllabary Order

アルファベット順Alphabetical Order