第76回 正倉院展、2024年
A composite Buddhist floral motif that was widely used in Tang dynasty designs with scrolling patterns. The hōsōge motifs do not depict any actual blossom, but were devised by Tang designers. Hōsōge designs appear on many of the Buddhist items in the Shōsō-in.
74th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2022

楓蘇芳染螺鈿槽琵琶 第1号(南倉101)
Biwa Lute Made of Sappan-Stained Maplewood with Mother-of-Pearl and Painting (South Section 101)
Biwa Lute Made of Sappan-Stained Maplewood with Mother-of-Pearl and Painting (South Section 101)