

第74回 正倉院展、2022年


A decorative metal-sheet inlay used in lacquered woodwork and leather. Fine sheets of gold, silver or tin are cut out and placed on a lacquered surface, which is then covered with another coat of lacquer. Finally, the lacquer is peeled away from cut out areas. The cut-outs themselves are usually further embellished with finely incised designs. Heidatsu differs slightly from the hyōmon technique, in which the lacquered surface of the metal inlay is polished off with charcoal, leaving an evenly imbedded decorative element.

74th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2022
八角鏡 漆背金銀平脱 第12号(北倉42)
八角鏡 漆背金銀平脱 第12号(北倉42)
Eight-Lobed White Bronze Mirror with Gold and Silver Cutouts Inlaid in Black Lacquer on the Back (North Section 42)
Persian Style Lacquer Ewer with Birds, Beasts, and Flowers (North Section 42)

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