第71回 正倉院展、2019年
A round, flat-bodied, four-stringed instrument with a long, straight neck having fourteen frets. Held on the lap, it was plucked with a plectrum. A leather patch at the center of the body serves as a plectrum guard to avoid denting the wood. The plectrum guards for both of the two genkan in the Shōsō-in are beautifully painted with Chinese-style scenes. The two circles above the plectrum guard are decorative rather than encasing holes to release the sound. The genkan is said to be named after a third- or fourth-century Chinese sage who was fond of the instrument.
73rd Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2021

螺鈿紫檀阮咸(北倉 30)
Red Sandalwood Genkan with Mother-of-Pearl Inlay (North Section 30)
Red Sandalwood Genkan with Mother-of-Pearl Inlay (North Section 30)

Kin Zither with Gold and Silver Cutouts Imbedded in Lacquer (North Section 26)
Kin Zither with Gold and Silver Cutouts Imbedded in Lacquer (North Section 26)