第73回 正倉院展、2021年
Imitation mottled bamboo. A plain bamboo is made to appear like the rare, prized mottled bamboo by painting it with spots.
60th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2008

沈香把仮斑竹鞘樺纒金銀荘刀子 第14号(中倉131)
Penknife with Bark-Bound Aloeswood Hilt, Bark-Bound Imitation Mottled Bamboo Sheath, and Gilt-Silver Fittings (Middle Section 131)
Penknife with Bark-Bound Aloeswood Hilt, Bark-Bound Imitation Mottled Bamboo Sheath, and Gilt-Silver Fittings (Middle Section 131)

笙 第2号(南倉109)
Bamboo Mouth Organ (Shō) (South Section 109)
Bamboo Mouth Organ (Shō) (South Section 109)