第74回 正倉院展、2022年
A round knob with a hole for threading a cord or wire. Chū in the center back of a mirror appear like mounds and are designated by their shapes. The term is also used for fixed metal handles on bells and other objects.
74th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2022

八角鏡 鳥花背 第3号(北倉42)
Eight-Lobed Bronze Mirror with Birds and Mythical Beasts on the Back (North Section 42)
Eight-Lobed Bronze Mirror with Birds and Mythical Beasts on the Back (North Section 42)

円鏡 雲鳥背 第17号(北倉42)
Round Bronze Mirror with Clouds and Birds on the Back (North Section 42)
Round Bronze Mirror with Clouds and Birds on the Back (North Section 42)