第74回 正倉院展、2022年
Log-cabin construction. The North and South Section of the Shōsō-in use this building technique. Logs cut so they have a triangular cross section are piled horizontally on top of each other to form the walls, which interlock at the corners. Buildings constructed this way include the sutra storehouses at Tōdaiji’s Hokkedō, at Kanjinsho, and at Tōshōdaiji, as well as the treasure house at Tōshōdaiji. Although most popular during the Nara period, the construction continued to be used for storehouses in later periods as well.
74th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures, 2022

Shōsō-in Shōsō (Repository)
Shōsō-in Shōsō (Repository)